Crime Monthly Rhythm Maps


In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sdipylib.url import download_ambry_db # install: pip install 'git+'
from lib import plot_rhythm


import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('crimes.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("attach 'areastats.db' as placestats")

Already downloaded:
Already extracted: crimes.db
Already downloaded:
Already extracted: areastats.db
<sqlite3.Cursor at 0x114f40b90>

In [2]:
q = """
SELECT crimes.*, 
    strftime('%W', datetime) AS week,
    strftime('%M', datetime) AS min,
    city_stats.pop as city_pop, as city_area, 
    CAST(city_stats.pop AS REAL)/ CAST( AS REAL) as city_density,
    community_stats.pop as community_pop, as community_area, as community_name, 
    CAST(community_stats.pop AS REAL)/ CAST( AS REAL)*1000000 as community_density 
FROM crimes
LEFT JOIN placestats.areastats AS city_stats ON city_stats.type = 'city' AND city_stats.code =
LEFT JOIN placestats.areastats AS community_stats ON community_stats.type = 'community' AND community_stats.code =
WHERE community != '-'

inct = pd.read_sql(q, conn)

In [3]:

id agency legend description type datetime year month hour dow ... geometry week min city_pop city_area city_density community_pop community_area community_name community_density
0 38 San Diego Police, CA FRAUD FRAUD CRIME CASE 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2007 1 0 1 ... None 01 00 None None None 47361 15434818 Encanto Neighborhoods,Southeastern 3068.452119
1 39 San Diego Police, CA FRAUD FRAUD CRIME CASE 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2007 1 0 1 ... None 01 00 None None None 39849 10511946 Pacific Beach 3790.829976
2 40 San Diego Police, CA FRAUD FRAUD CRIME CASE 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2007 1 0 1 ... None 01 00 None None None 48313 34788640 Navajo 1388.757939
3 41 San Diego Police, CA FRAUD FRAUD CRIME CASE 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2007 1 0 1 ... None 01 00 None None None 29018 22008803 La Jolla 1318.472431
4 42 San Diego Police, CA VANDALISM VANDALISM ($400 OR MORE) CRIME CASE 2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000 2007 1 0 1 ... None 01 00 None None None 18947 12621902 Mission Valley 1501.120829

5 rows × 35 columns

In [4]:
inct['dtime'] = inct['hour'].astype('float64') + inct['min'].astype('float64')/60.0 # Decimal time
inct['qtime'] = (inct['dtime'] * 4).astype('int') # time in 15 minute intervals

In [6]:

In [7]:
plot_rhythm(inct, ncols = 2, axes_fields=['hour','week'], legends=legends)

Rendering  7  of  8

In [8]:
plot_rhythm(inct, ncols = 2, axes_fields=['year','week'], legends=legends, height=2)

Rendering  7  of  8

In [9]:
plot_rhythm(inct, ncols = 4, communities = ['SanPCF'], axes_fields=['hour','week'])

Rendering  11  of  12

In [10]:
plot_rhythm(inct[ == 'SanPCF'], ncols = 4, axes_fields=['hour','week'])

Rendering  11  of  12

In [11]:
communities = ['SanDOW','SanMDC','SanPCF','SanSOT','SanGRE','SanCLA','SanUPT','SanENC','SanUNV','SanMID',
               'SanMIR','SanSKY','SanOAT', 'SanCOL', 'SanLAJ']
all_communities = list(inct['community'].unique())
drug_communities = ['SanPCF','SanMSS','SanUNV','SanMSH','SanOCN','SanMIS']
assault_communities = ['SanENC', 'SanMDC', 'SanPCF', 'SanDOW', 'SanGRE']
sex_communities = ['SanDOW', 'SanMDC', 'SanGRE', 'SanCOL', 'SanMDS', 'SanBAR' ]

In [12]:
plot_rhythm(inct[inct.description == 'PROSTITUTION' ], ncols = 3, height=5, scale = .6, 
            legends = ['SEX CRIMES'], 
            communities=sex_communities, axes_fields=['hour','dow'])

Rendering  5  of  6

In [13]:
plot_rhythm(inct, ncols = 2, legends = ['DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS'], communities=communities, 
            axes_fields=['hour','week'], incident_type='CITATION')

Rendering  14  of  15

In [14]:
plot_rhythm(inct[ == 'SanPCF'], ncols = 4, axes_fields=['hour','week'], incident_type='CITATION')

Rendering  11  of  12

In [15]:
import seaborn as sns

x = inct[inct.legend == 'DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS']

sns.kdeplot(x.week, x.hour);

In [16]:
x = inct[(inct.legend == 'DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS') & ( == 'SanPCF')]
sns.kdeplot(x.week, x.hour);

In [17]:
x = inct[(inct.legend == 'DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS') & ( == 'SanUNV')]

sns.kdeplot(x.week, x.hour);

In [18]:
plot_rhythm(inct, ncols = 4, legends = ['SEX CRIMES'], communities=all_communities, 
            axes_fields=['hour','dow'], incident_type='ARREST')

Rendering  56  of  57

In [19]:
x = inct[(inct.legend == 'DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS') & ( == 'SanCLA')]

sns.kdeplot(x.week, x.hour);

In [20]:
x = inct[(inct.legend == 'DRUGS/ALCOHOL VIOLATIONS') & ( == 'SanGRE')]

sns.kdeplot(x.week, x.hour);

In [20]: